Monday, March 12, 2012

Columbine - Dave Cullen

By : Dave Cullen
Summary :
On April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold left an indelible stamp on the American psyche. Their plan was staggering: to blow up their school, surpass Oklahoma City in horror, and leave "a lasting impression on the world." The bombs failed. But the unprecedented attack unleashed a new era of violence in schools—branding every future shooting "another Columbine."When we think of Columbine, we think of the Trench Coat Mafia; Cassie Bernall, mistaken Columbine martyr; and Patrick Ireland, "the boy in the window"—the whole world watching his gutsy escape. Now, in a gripping work of journalism a full decade in the making, comes the story we never knew. In this revelatory book, Dave Cullen debunks the myths and produces a profile of teen killers that burrows to the core of psychopathology. He reveals two radically different killers: Eric Harris, the callously brutal mastermind, and Dylan Klebold, the quivering depressive who journaled obsessively about love and attended the Columbine prom three days before opening fire.

Question: Do you think the book you read would make a good movie? Why or why not?

Cheyenne's opinion :
I think Columbine would make a great movie because of how much action and detail there really is. A movie about Columbine would answer a lot of questions and reveal the truth. Considering this is a real story, a lot of controversy would brew up at the making of this and when is that a bad thing? There is so much happening in the book, a movie would be easy to make, easy money I think. The problem would be that you wouldn't want to hurt any of the 13 by bringing it up again 13 years later. The whole story about Cassie is inspirational itself even though it is proven to be incorrect. The Evangelical Christians still believe because it is something nice to believe in, and was a sense of hope for the parents.
This book was very well written and put together well. This book will be shocking and if you weren't old enough to understand what was going on when the incident happened, then this book will explain every detail to you perfectly. Each families story made me feel like I knew them, my heart went out to each and every one of them.Definitely a 5/5 stars.

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